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New Jersey Guitar Lessons

New Jersey Guitar Lessons NJ Guitar Lessons


FREE TRIAL GUITAR LESSON. Absolutely No Obligation! Call 973-785-0896






1. Set scope controls to focus on desired fretboard area.

2. In the chord columns, select chord root and then chord type. All possible notes of selected chord will appear on fretboard. (Roots appear in blue). Resulting display will suggest possible chord fingerings and arpeggio patterns. Switching the selector from "notes" to "intervals" will permit you to see the notes as scale degrees.

3. In the chord columns, select chord root. In the scale column, select scale type. All possible notes of selected scale will appear on fretboard. (Roots appear in blue). Resulting display will suggest possible scale patterns. Switching the selector from "notes" to "intervals" will permit you to see the notes as scale degrees.


CALL 973-785-0896
